IPR-Insights Hungary Ltd. will be merged into the IPR-Insights International Plc. by 1st of January 2025, and continues its activities under this company name as a legal successor.
With the merger, the company’s data changes as follows:
New company’ name: IPR-Insights International Plc.
New address: 1138 Budapest, Váci út 135-139. C. ép. 1. em.
New tax number: 25094129-2-41
New community tax number: HU25094129
New registration number: 01-10-142860
Old company’ name: IPR-Insights Hungary Ltd.
Old address: 1138 Budapest, Váci út 135-139. C. Ép. 1. Em.
Old tax number: 25084106-2-41
Old community tax number: HU25084106
Old registration number: 01-09-431623
After the merger, our bank accounts number will not be changed:
By 31 December 2024: IPR-Insights Hungary Ltd. |
OTP account number (HUF): |
11794008-24032388 (SWIFT: OTPVHUHB) |
OTP account number (EUR): |
11763945-07552883 (SWIFT: OTPVHUHB) |
From 1 January 2025: IPR-Insights International Plc. |
OTP account number (HUF): |
11794008-24032388 (SWIFT: OTPVHUHB) |
OTP account number (EUR): |
11763945-07552883 (SWIFT: OTPVHUHB) |
In view of the above, please pay attention to the partner data on invoices from 1 January 2025.
For our customer partners after 1 January 2025, IPR-Insights International Plc, as legal successor, we issue receipts/invoices for the previous period as well. From 1 January 2025, we will send our electronic invoices from the following e-mail address: szamlazas (at) iprsam.com. If it is necessary to enable the e-mail address in your system, please send our information letter to the relevant department. In case of process testing arising due to the change of e-mail address, please contact our colleagues at backoffice (at) iprsam.com.
At our supplier partners, deliveries on behalf of IPR-Insights Hungary Ltd. for the period before 1 January 2025 – pursuant to § 163 VAT Act. – we can accept until 31 January 2025.
For deliveries after 1 January 2025, we can accept invoices for the name of IPR-Insights International Plc. Please take this deadline when issuing and forwarding invoices, as invoices received later will be rejected without processing. From 1 January 2025, we will continue to receive our invoices at the e-mail address eszamla (at) iprsam.com.
As legal successor, IPR-Insights International Plc. inherits all rights and obligations of IPR-Insights Hungary Ltd, so no contract amendment is required due to the merger.