The management of diverse IT systems developed over years can be based on regular up-to-date hardware and software assets record data provided for corporate managers. The largest gaming service provider in Hungary, Szerencsejáték Zrt. controls more than 50 percent of the market. The company founded in 1991 cumulated a very wide palette of IT devices and applications during its development. In 2005, IPR-Insights performed an inventory of the devices of the complex system, in order to make it transparent. The company has its system audited annually, and resorts SAM services regularly, thus ensuring the compliance with the strict standards and reporting obligations they face, and, also, software asset management.
Software and Services
- Launching a software asset management system: we launched a third party SAM-system in this project
- Collecting hardware and software data: automatic data collection through the network, plus manual data collection from so called insulated systems, and from devices exposed to particular risk
- Identifying unknown software: with the help of the system database, we identified software products used, and unknown files found by the system
- Processing available licenses and invoices: we collected and registered available licenses and invoices in the SAM system
- Creating physical license inventory: in accordance with the registration requirements, and considering client?s individual needs we created the system of physical license inventory
- Comparing software usage with software assets: at the end of the project we compared software usage with software assets, analyzed the reasons of differences, and suggested a solution
- Launching SAM-Insights: we migrated the software asset management system to SAM-Insights, that we operate and support since then
- Auditing software asset management processes: we audited the already established corporate processes related with SAM
- Auditing software asset management policies: we audited the already established corporate policies related with SAM
- Establishing software asset management policies and processes: considering the results of process audit, we established the policies and processes taking into account the special needs of the company, too
- Continuous SAM-services: we support colleagues responsible for SAM by monthly identifying the new unknown files found by the system, monthly processing new licenses and invoices, and continuously ensuring that new items get into the system, and scrapped ones get out from the registry
- Annual audit: our consultants working separately from the operational colleagues audit the activities annually
- Sándor Zsoldos
- Eszter Gáspár-Hidasi
- dr. Eszter Telek
- Orsolya Bock
- Balázs Ács
- Sándor Nagy
- László Németh