By inventorizing their licenses enterprises mainly intend to eliminate the unauthorized utilization of software products and the risks linked to this. This is only the first step though towards efficient software management, as the way to achieve real cost saving is very challenging, therefore it is worth going down that road supported by experts of the area ? says Sándor Zsoldos, the Managing Director of IPR-Insights in his interview to Computerworld.
Even as high as 20-40% of the enterprises? software estate can come from unlicensed but installed software products. This also causes additional cost, if the unauthorized usage is being detected on audits driven by the software vendors. By building up a software inventory, even at the biggest enterprises a couple of weeks or months can be enough to eliminate unauthorized software usage, and not licensed but used licenses can be identified. With the help of all the information coming from the inventory exercise, strategy is being built up together with our customers, which then can be utilized in optimizing their software related costs within the company.
The whole interview can be found on Comperworld’s website or clicking here (both are in Hungarian).