In Hungary, certain tasks of the ministries and other government institutions related to procurement and supply (operation of buildings and vehicles, office and technical supply) are assigned to the KEF. The largest volume of centralised public procurement is carried out by the KEF.
Software and Services
- Launching a software asset management system: we launched a third party SAM-system in this project
- Collecting hardware and software data: automatic data collection through the network, plus manual data collection from so called insulated systems, and from devices exposed to particular risk
- Identifying unknown software: with the help of the system database, we identified software products used, and unknown files found by the system
- Processing available licenses and invoices: we collected and registered available licenses and invoices in the SAM system
- Creating physical license inventory: in accordance with the registration requirements, and considering client?s individual needs we created the system of physical license inventory
- Comparing software usage with software assets: at the end of the project we compared software usage with software assets, analyzed the reasons of differences, and suggested a solution
- Software asset management training: we trained colleagues responsible for SAM on SAM theory and practice
- Training on vendor software models: we trained software purchasing colleagues on the relevant licensing models of the strategic vendors
- Operating and supporting software asset management system: we provide continuous operation and support to the SAM system launched
- ITIL based review and evaluation of operational processes: in the project of ITIL based review and evaluation of operational processes of ministries by Central Services Directorate in 2007, we reviewed and evaluated processes related with SAM.
- Sándor Zsoldos
- Zsolt Csala
- Eszter Gáspár-Hidasi
- dr. Eszter Telek
- Sándor Nagy